1- Wes Anderson:
-The Life Aquatic.
-The Royal Tenenbaums.
-The Darjeeling Limited.
-Hotel Chevalier.
- Fantastic Mr. Fox.
2- Toro y Moi
ChazWick Dundick From Columbia, South Carolina makes electronic, Chillwave music. I love "Talamack" track.
3- Haruki Murakami.
I read Tokio Blues and start watching the movie and also read "After Dark", I think it's amazing because he is a contemporary writer that it's not against pop culture. I love how he says that being fan from "Lost" it's ok and I also like how he expresses loneliness in people, but in his characters there is always a rush of love that immediately extinguishes.
4-Green Tea
I don't know why.. but I'm becoming addicted to green tea. I don't know if it's right or wrong but I just love it.5- This amazing Lipton tea commercial by Yoanna Lemoine
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